Our brain gets better at producing better ideas by flexing its ideation muscles. And our brain flexes these muscles when it’s bored–to keep us occupied with something (it’s an evolutionary thing). So if you keep opening up Twitter or that podcast when in the grocery line, the brain doesn’t stretch its legs and that’s why you don’t have good ideas.

Consuming good ideas is still important (Whatever you pay attention to is being fermented by your brain) so you should split your time explicitly for consumption or for processing that book.

Kinda like how pickles need the proper jar and sunlight to ferment well, our ideas need the proper environment for our brain to process them. You can’t keep opening the jar and stuffing more lemons in.

We never give ourselves time to be bored because We are terrified of silence and boredom


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  • Created:: 23rd Jan 2023
  • Updated:: $=dv.el('t', dv.current().file.mday)